Three Kings Church – The Most Haunted Place In Goa

Three kings church is located atop a hill in Cuelim. The church provides a good vantage point over nearby areas. The view from the hill of the ocean and paddy fields is truly poetic. On one side are lush green fields which keep the eyes busy and on the other side is the deep blue ocean. The place is said to be haunted. To what extent this might actually be true is another thing altogether.

Horror stories

There are many horror stories revolving around the Three Kings Church. It is difficult to find out whether these are true or not. This writer happened to spend two nights on two different occasions in the vicinity of the church for the very same reason. Through out the night no paranormal activity took place.
Prominent versions doing the round on the internet :
Version 1
“Three kings ruled this region for a long time, but always kept bickering with each other. One of the three kings decided to become the sole owner, and brutally murdered the other two by poisoning their food. When the word reached the locals, they were outraged and apparently, rampaged into the king’s home. Afraid of the dire consequences, the third king committed suicide. And since then, it is said that the spirits of the three kings roam the church.” – Source
Version 2
“Long ago three Portuguese king lived there. They all desired to rule alone. Among them there was always war. Holger alvunger, one king invited rest two kings for a supper in the church. This was a 6th January. That was their “Last Supper”. Where they came for settling peace in the kingdom, King Holger poisoned other two kings. But thing didn’t went as he planned. The supporters of the dead kings became furious and gathered there to kill the wicked man. Holger choose the same fate by taking poison and finished himself. People buried all three bodies in the church.” – Source

About ‘Three kings church’

According to a report, the Chapel of Our Lady of Remedies (Nossa Senhora dos Remedios) was founded by Fr. Goncalo Carvalho in 1599. The chapel is affiliated to St Thomas Church, Cansaulim. However it is popularised by the name which is derived from the three wise men from the bible, also referred to as the three kings who visited Jesus on his birth. It is famous for the Three kings feast celebrated every year on January 6th. The present structure dates back to 1721. The hill is also referred to as the ‘Remete Saibinicho dongor‘ by the locals.


There seems to be more emphasis laid on the church’s horror stories then the reality. Typing “Three kings church Goa” in a Google search only show links referring to the horror stories related to the place. In fact that is not the case at all.

Bollywood films

The Three kings church has become a favorite among film makers. The most recent one being ‘Finding Fanny’. In 2008 a film called ‘Bhoonath’ starring Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan had also picturised a scene here.

Tourism potential

Tourist throng to the place due to its beauty and the view it provides. The place has become a favorite must-see destination among the domestic tourists who visit Goa. Besides this it is also visited by many Goans for a picnic. Atop the hill there aren’t any shops or houses, but just the chapel. The area has regular visitors and sometimes can seem isolated. Police do patrol the area regularly to keep an eye on things.
The misunderstanding around the Three kings church needs to be corrected. On Google which is one of the most prominent mediums for getting information there seems to be unnecessary information being made available.

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