Behavioral Difference Between Boys And Girls

Boys and Girls behave differently, and parenting practices diverse as per the gender of the child. Boys seem to have more behavioral problems than girls, and the manifestation can be seen in early childhood.

There are a few important points to summon up before examining the differences between boys and girls.

First, the uncovering are based on mothers. Mothers behavior with their child affects the child behavior. Of course, it would be only practically true when the criteria are certain, but this is just not practical when following up large numbers of children over an extended period.

Second, it is much harder to pin down than implications for the population as a whole, with the implications of individual child.

Boys v/s Girls:

During the period of childhood, the boys displayed a higher rate of behavioral problems than the girls. Boys are having more “externalizing behaviors” such as destructiveness and aggressiveness.

Girls, on the other hand, were more likely to have “internalizing problems” such as anxiety. Girls are having helping and supportive behavior.

Boys had higher scores of hyperactivity, emotional problems and peer problems.Girls were again more likely to have emotional problems.

Other risk factors such lower social advantage and having no or three or more siblings once again were associated with higher rates of reported problems.

Nurturing Abilities:

The differences in parenting style also bring chances in child behavior. But it doesn’t give us enough information to enter the ongoing debate about nature versus nurture.

For younger children, mothers of boys were less likely to feel that they were able to parent effectively and fathers were less likely to show warmth to their sons compared with their daughters. Both mothers and fathers tended to be more overprotective of their daughters compared with their sons.

For the older children in the study, both mothers and fathers reported higher rates of hostile parenting practices towards boys and were less confident in parenting them, compared with girls.

A boy with reports of behavioral problems at the age of two, whose parents go on to access parenting resources and change their parenting practices, will continue to show behavior problems when they reach school.

There are biological differences between boys and girls in-utter, that can affect behavior in childhood. Cultural expectations shape and encourage certain behaviors in boys, such as competition and taking chances, and encourage different areas of expertise in girls, such as cooperation and nurturing.

Stable, consistent and nurturing parenting, especially in the early years, is vital for all children to give them the best possible start to life. It should not be conclude that boys are more troublesome and less competent than then girls.

The risk factors in their child must be identified as early as possible. Once identified, parents can access arbitration to optimize their child’s developmental consequences.


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